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Bridge Beams for Kilmallock OB292m Overbridge

Bridge Beams supplied for Kilmallock Overbridge

Shay Murtagh Precast are long standing precast concrete suppliers to Irish Rail.

In June 2011 we supplied three portal bridge frame assemblies for a new overbridge at Kilmallock, Co Limerick to the main contractor PJ Hegarty and Sons.

Each portal assembly consisted of an inverted U-shaped portal bridge unit supported on two base leg units.

Bridge Beam Specifications

  • The portal bridge unit weighed 59T and each of the support base leg units weighed 12T.
  • The overall size of the portal bridge was 6m high by 15m wide clear span.
  • A longitudinal rebate with projecting reinforcement was provided in the portal roof units to enable the casting of an insitu stitch between adjacent portals.
  • Ten parapet units each weighing 5.6T also formed part of the contract.
  • The parapet units were connected to the edge roof portals by way of an insitu concrete stitch.

Projecting reinforcement was also provided in the bottom of the wall units to enable the casting of an insitu base stitch.

Shay Murtagh Precast had design responsibility for all the precast units including design of all associated temporary propping works. Shay Murtagh Precast worked closely with Irish Rail and PJ Hegarty & Sons to ensure completion of all precast installation and final project within the strict possession times allowed.

Find out more about Shay Murtagh Precast Concrete Bridge Beams or contact the team at technical@shaymurtagh.co.uk for additional information.

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