Take a look at a project we delivered recently to Powys County Council at Lower Trewern, Llandegley, Llandrindod Wells. Shay Murtagh Precast manufactured and delivered box culvert units to construct a 7.5m long x 3.3m internal width x 2.1m internal height structure supporting the highway. 7.5m in length – PRECAST CONCRETE CULVERT 3.30M X 2.10 […]
Any work that is carried out in the magnificent area of Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands will need to blend seamlessly and unobtrusively into the scenery. The old Allt Fhiodhan bridge was showing signs of degeneration; it had not been designed with modern traffic in mind, and there was also a need for a safer […]
The Strathroy Link Road, constructed on the approach from Omagh to Strabane. The road opened in November of last year, to the relief of all concerned. The traffic will now flow smoothly. Both motorists and local business will benefit from the completion of this link to the Derry and Strathroy road. Omagh town councillor Barry […]
Shay Murtagh Precast recently completed a project for CA Blackwell to design, manufacture and deliver two precast box culverts with wing walls and head beams. To create a flood relief system for the Lee Moor road diversion in Plymouth. The new road, designed to alleviate traffic to a narrow section of the local road. To […]
Shay Murtagh Precast, contracted by R.J McLeod to manufacture and deliver culverts to Dean Road Bridge. R.J McLeod Ltd. (Contractors) was awarded the contract to construct the bridge in May 2014. The design and manufacture of the pre-cast bridge elements began with the complex site works starting in August. The Dean Ford would flood on […]
Introduction Shay Murtagh Precast recently manufactured and supplied a bespoke precast headwall installation in Glasgow installed by P&S Civils/Cleantech as part of the Shawfield Masterplan Scheme.
The Reading Viaduct Development superstructure, which includes the viaduct bridge, is massive, and it has taken 30 weeks to build as pointed out by Project Director for Balfour Beatty Billy Smith in a recent interview with The Rail Engineer. This 2km structure, including the viaduct bridge, built in such a timeline is a tremendous success, […]
The scheme involved the construction of approximately 56km of new dual carriageway, a 7 km link road to the Loughrea bypass, 32 km of side roads and five grade-separated junctions. The Scheme extended from Doughiska, east of Galway City to the existing N6 east of Ballinasloe in Co. Roscommon opened to traffic in 2010. Shay […]
The Environment Agency and Northumberland County Council are working in partnership to reduce the risk of flooding in Morpeth. Birse Civils and Halcrow were contracted to deliver a flood scheme to protect over 1,000 homes and businesses in Morpeth. Once complete this scheme will protect the community of Morpeth from up to a 1 in […]
In the last number of weeks Shay Murtagh Precast have begun shipping to the Reading Viaduct Redevelopment. We have been awarded the prestigious contract by Balfour Beatty Major Civils to manufacture and deliver concrete bridge beams and precast concrete culverts to this significant rail project estimated at £895m.